Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Reason 1/20 Why Our Education System Fails

Oh my lifeless corpse will be covered by stones for going here, but hey....its got to get told somewhere. I, Uncle Rodney, am proving that YOU are indeed a racist and why our own gov't is programming you that way. WHY must each school contain a certain % of each race? For diversity you say.....hmmm interesting programmed response. We shall bend buss routes and make kids go 30 minutes away to a school on the other side of town to make these numbers work. Lets dig a little deeper to see why. It all starts in the good ole slums, projects, and other poverty filled dwellings some kids call home. Now with a single parent who never even graduated high school, the kid is already at a loss. Life will consist of parents forcing them on free breakfast and lunch programs, school "help" to help with lessons, and wearing the label "Too poor to fail". So lil John Doe now can not get any help with his lessons because mom cant even multiply (only count stamps) and must get her nails and hair done. This electrical device called TV will raise him and teach him just fine she says. Back at school John Doe is way behind and should be held back, BUT....oh no no no that cannot and will not be tolerated. It is indeed racist to hold poor children behind and thus we will just add a little slack to the system so they can keep up. It is easier to bring down the 99% vs lifting the 1%. We all know that the teacher is the evil one...the demonic figure to blame for this failure, and so any teacher failing a quota of students will be investigated. Well we will just simply move the poor children around the schools to even them out numbers wise so there will not be an entire school of kids that simply cant get anything done. Now we are done with high school and need to apply for college. Whats the golden rule of all universities? I thought it was education, but I was wrong. It is to be diverse. We must have this % of whites, this % of blacks, this % of asian, while keeping the population at half male and half female. You may have that 1300 on the SAT Tommy but your race and sex quota is full so we got to use those spots for other races and ladies. Sorry!! Now the skin color and sex has got them into school and they go on to unhealthy ed to become a doctor. With teachers knowing their job is on the line, they cannot fail a large number of non-whites or they will have Jesse on the doorstep demanding a court case.
Now you are on your way to the airport to hop in your private jet and a drunk driver plows into you. You are rushed to the hospital for surgery and given the choice of a white Dr or a non-white Dr......who would you choose? With your life being on the line do you take the CHANCE (as in does not occur 100% of the time) that someone is their holding a scalpel and was shown favoritism to get here because of race problems in education? (affirmative action also but not covered here)
School is about education and not being diverse. If we focused more on schools teaching instead of worrying about offending someone or races, then we can get the US on the road to education reform. STOP filling in those circles that are "just for statistics" and do what I did on my college application: Write "None of your damn business". And yes I did get accepted


  1. On all fronts, I agree with the points that you make. I have personal experience with a white male being overlooked so that a female could have his opportunity. Racism is just one of the many subliminal messages being taught in the public school systems. Why do so many young adults emerge from college as liberals? They are being taught to be conformist and to accept the things of this world that are immoral and corrupt. This is why I homeschool my daughters. I know that one day they will have to enter the "real" world but before I send them out there, I want them to be armed with truth and have a mature enough mind so that other people can't impose false beliefs and foolish bias on them. I say, "Props to you, Uncle Rodney! The truth is liberating."~Danielle Whittemore

  2. Thank you and thank you AGAIN for doing what most people need to do. By educating your kids you are indeed arming them with the most powerful weapon....knowledge. Truth will better equip someone for the real world than any degree of useless nature. Thanks for the reply and doing your part to change our future for the better
